Community Standards

Revised 2022-02-17

First and foremost, the Scola della Scherma Storica (“Scola”) aims to be a diverse and inclusive community that welcomes individuals from a broad range of backgrounds, identities, and fitness and experience levels. The Community Standards outlined in this document serve to promote a training culture conducive to this.

A downloadable copy of this document, which also includes our Instructor Code of Conduct and disciplinary procedures, can be found here.

Some definitions which apply to the following document:

  • Instructor: Any individual acting in an instructional capacity for the Scola.
  • Participant: Any individual participating in a Scola event, class, activity, or community space, including online spaces such as Discord.
  • Member: Any participant currently up to date with Scola membership dues and otherwise in good standing according to the club charter.
  • Board: Scola members currently elected to and serving on the administrative board as laid out in the club charter.

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct applies to all participants, whether club members or guests, in any event, class, activity, or community space, including online spaces such as Discord. By participating in Scola activities, you agree to abide by these rules.

  1. Participants are expected to behave in a safe and respectful manner and to treat others respectfully, equitably, and with patience.
  2. Discriminatory behaviour and harassment are prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on race, gender identity, sexual orientation, ethnic or religious background, and ability, as well as verbal, physical, and sexual harassment.
  3. Activities are opt-in. If an activity feels unsafe, a participant may stop at any time. Participants are encouraged to tell their instructors and training partners about any injuries, disabilities, or other issues that may affect their training.
  4. A participant’s level of force and resistance must be adjusted to an appropriate level for their training partner and the current activity. If unsure, participants should ask their partner or instructor.
  5. Only instructors may provide instruction unless an activity explicitly calls for peer coaching.
  6. Prior to sparring with a new weapon, participants must go through a safety orientation and be cleared to fight by an instructor. Unsafe behaviour, whether deliberate or unintentional, during sparring is grounds to have sparring privileges temporarily revoked and may be subject to additional disciplinary action.
  7. Participants must wear at least the minimum level of safety gear required for the activity they are participating in. These gear requirements can be found in the most recent revision of the Student Handbook.
  8. Participants are responsible for the care, transportation, and maintenance of their gear. If an instructor deems any piece of equipment unsafe, it may not be used until the issue has been resolved and it has been cleared by an instructor.
  9. Equipment borrowed from the Scola must be returned at the end of the activity it was loaned for, in the condition in which it was received (barring normal wear and tear). Participants may be held financially responsible for missing or damaged equipment that was left in their care.
  10. Participants will respect the rules and requests of those who provide the spaces Scola uses for its activities.

Participants who violate these rules or engage in any other behaviour that endangers or harms the physical or mental wellbeing of others will be asked to stop and may be subject to disciplinary action.

Although activities in the broader historical martial arts community are subject to the rules of the hosting organization or individual(s), participant conduct at outside activities which grossly conflicts with this Code of Conduct, and particularly points 1 and 2, may be subject to disciplinary action.


Violations of the Code of Conduct or any other incident during a Scola activity which makes you feel uncomfortable or unsafe should be reported. You may contact any instructor about the incident in person or via email. If you are concerned about the conduct of an instructor, any board member can be spoken to or contacted via email, or an email can be sent directly to the Scola contact email, which is monitored by Erin McMorrow.

All incidents brought to the attention of an instructor and requiring disciplinary action will be recorded in writing and brought to the attention of the board, who will determine appropriate disciplinary action.